Our friends Brad and Vicky came to Beijing for a few days. We met them in the New York City public school world. They're now here studying Chinese and teaching. Strangely enough, they introduced us to a bar that has a pretty solid, fair priced beer selection and music of a respectable nature. It was a miracle that I didn't hear Hotel California (unplugged version) or Celiene Dion's Titanic Ballad while sitting in a public space for more than an hour. Brad and Vicky currently live in Jinan (not worth visiting, according to them) but they're moving to Chengdu, a place we've already thought of traveling to, but now we'll be there for sure.
On another note, we're heading off to Japan for about two and a half weeks and we'll return for the second half of the Olympics. Is it ridiculous that we're leaving before the start of the chaos? I have mixed feelings about it, but that's the way it turned out. We had planned to do a lot more traveling this summer if it weren't for visa issues that both of us are dealing with mainly as a result of the Olympics.
We'll be in Tokyo from the 2nd - 10th, Kyoto, 11th - 15th and back in Tokyo again from the 16th -19th. In Tokyo we're meeting up with Luhan's aunt, her cousin and two friends from New York who happen to be in town. I'm ready for some wild karaoke nights, neon, sushi galore, Japanese bar food and a thin, thin wallet.
If you give me your address I'll send you a nice postcard with something special written on it just for you.