Sunday, June 29, 2008

Last BBQ in Brooklyn

It's official. Our plane leaves on Monday morning and we'll be in Beijing twelve hours later. One last BBQ a few weeks ago. It rained hard and long so we had to head to my apartment. The park would have been nicer. We grilled on the fire escape. Through the wind and rain I used an umbrella to shield the grill. A throw away grill lies on the other side of the fire escape where it has remained for about one year. We had a BBQ when we first moved in. Good times. Full, warm stomach. Myself, Luhan, Dan, his wife Su (below), Jocelyn, Euna, Su's cousin and Joel, Dan's friend from college.


Anonymous said...

Friend is Jonas, not Joel. That's the other bearded friend.

Gabel said...

That's right, sorry. Thanks for the clarification Dan.