Tuesday, December 8, 2009

How far will Chinese companies go to avoid creativity?

Here we have a brown paper baguette bag that I got from the supermarket yesterday. Look closely and you'll see the brand is "Wekipedia." I don't even know where to start with this one, it's just so absurd. I just really wish I could ask the person who made this decision to explain their thought process and perhaps a few other names they were throwing around. But then I'd have to ask the people who named the various apartment complexes such as Beijing Hills, Moma, Upper East Side, Central Park, and wait, the fast food place KXC. The list goes on and on, but my favorite to date is this one. I don't think anything more can be said about it, just bizarre. I love it here.


mores said...

That's hot! At least they changed the i to an e. That took some thought.


I like the idea of taking brands from other countries and just subverting them into whatever you feel like. A car company becomes a telecom, a shoe brand becomes an mp3 player, a web encyclopedia becomes a bakery. Why not?!?!

Gabel said...

Yeah, remember that skateboard/skatewear company called VISIONS? I saw the same logo being used on some glass casserole pans in a department store.